The Form 1098T was created by the IRS after the initial education tax credits were passed into law, 希望(现在的美国机会)和终身学习学分. 有 不仅仅是这两个但这就是一切的开始. 在2018年之前的年份, colleges had the option of completing either Box 1 or Box 2 related to Qualified 学费 and Related Expenses. 框1表示付款,框2表示计算出的比林斯.
联邦政府规定的纳税报告现在要求大学在方框1中报告. Form 1098-T reports the Qualified 学费 and Related Expenses paid during the calendar year, 以这些费用的帐单金额为限. 表格中还包括第5栏,奖学金或助学金. This box is important for two reasons: it can help calculate how much is eligible for the credit; but 经常错过, 这也可能表明其中一些奖学金是要纳税的. 让我们先看看如何计算信用额度.
To get a start on what is eligible for the credit, the first step is to subtract Box 5 from Box 1. 为什么? 奖学金一般用于支付学费. 而且,它们只是 免税 在某种程度上,它们适用于学费(和相关费用). 我有更多的时候,他们不在下面. So, 如果奖学金支付学费, 而你却没有用它, 那么你就没有资格获得信贷了. 不幸的是,做这些计算并不一定是结束. Box 1 is what was paid during the year for Qualified 学费 and Expenses billed during the year. Colleges bill for their spring or first calendar year term usually in late November or early December. 这让纳税人可以做一些规划,但也会让人感到困惑. 在规划端, 账单通常要到一月份才到期, so you can decide which tax year works best by paying in either December or January. 问题是,你付了多少钱? 事情并不总是那么简单. 对一些人来说,只需要1098T上的信息就够了. For others, the best way is to pull out the statements from the college or request one. 需要记住的是:你支付的所有款项都算数, 包括信用卡付款和学生贷款(见下文). 不幸的是,这种困惑让很多人去找了税务顾问. If you are unsure, having one help, at least the first time through, may not be a bad idea.